Sacred Heart School collaborates with various internal and external partners to bring robust programs that integrate and augment the curriculum and enhance students’ lives.
Our Music teacher, Ms. Trinidad, leads music education for all grade levels. Studies range from music theory to learning to play the violin. Students are encouraged to audition to join our Orchestra and Choir groups. Students experience the reward of performing with their peers and displaying their dedication to friends and family. The school orchestra and choir perform at school concerts in the winter and spring, rounding out a robust and fulfilling music program.
Twice a week, professional dance instructors teach students the intricate steps of merengue, tango, salsa, foxtrot, rumba and swing. The program develops the participants’ communication, cooperation, and team-building skills while increasing their self-confidence.
On Tuesday afternoons, Girls Learning Advanced Math (GLAM) is offered at Sacred Heart for interested middle school girls. It is designed to teach young girls exciting, challenging math that goes beyond their core curriculums. It is an all female program led by local high school volunteers with the goal of empowering young girls to feel confident and strong about their math abilities.
All grade levels explore their artistic abilities in their weekly art classes that are aligned with state standards. Students work with a variety of tools and learn about many artists and artistic styles. Middle school students are welcome to extend their love of the fine arts through their participation in our art club.